Thursday, April 02, 2009

Appreciation and gratitude for Balance

My practicing of the Universal Laws of Energy manisfestation is a learning process. The "experts", coaches, facilitators, teachers, entreprenurs and huckster are not only available, but quite overwelmingly in your face at seeminly every turn.

I am coming to truly believe that we are in control of our own destinys. Many things present themselves in my daily life. The good, the bad , and the questionable. So this is another skill that needs to be developed. "Go with the flow" is not just a catchy phrase. Because as we are directly manifesting thet flow, and as a canoe or raft on the river, you can choose to allow the river to toss you about in the rapids or even quietly float you along. I want to both flow and to get into the adrinalin rush of the rapids, best savored when in control.

Fears that are present, like on the river ride, are managable when you are skilled and or take the educated risks and push beyond the famailiar territiories of your self awareness.

I hope the push well beyond the limitations I have accepted for way too long.

I will wear a life vest in the communities I associated myself with, but I know how to swim so I will ride some bigger rivers. I choose to push my limits and see what lies down stream.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
Theodor Geisel

Nonsense makes so much sense to me that I tend to question my own sanity at times.

But if this is not truly living, then please do not bother to wake me up as there is way too much negativity in some of my 'dreams'. I just go with my desires for now and manifest a little fantasy world for now.